Talk Vomit is a literary magazine based out of Massachusetts that harbors a willful longing for when the internet was still fun. We publish essays, short stories, reviews, experimental prose, and limited poetry.

This is our newsletter, where you’ll find weekly-ish dispatches from Talk Vomit’s editor, Monica Benevides. Here, we publish book reviews and criticism, discuss the publishing industry, promote our contributors, and share calls for submissions & general news related to the magazine.

All paid subscriptions go toward paying our contributors and keeping our website, where our quarterly magazine is published, alive. Air-mailing our paid subscribers one million air kisses!

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Talking books, writing & literary magazine publishing. By Monica Benevides, the editor of Talk Vomit.


Adjunct English prof., editor of the literary magazine Talk Vomit. Thinking about the gothic, gardening, books & writing. Southern New England tri-state.